

IEPtracker tracks providers’ invoices, expected income from the BOE and anticipated payroll for every month. Invoices are calculated automatically for providers based on sessions and make-ups input. Processing payroll becomes simple with IEPtracker; it generates invoices for the payroll company as well as invoices to bill the BOE every month. Track pay rates, invoices, billing history and all other agency financial records using IEPtracker.

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BOE Files Report
Report generates invoices to upload to the BOE based on providers’ invoices that were approved. Before exporting files to upload to the BOE, report highlights any discrepancies so they can be corrected before submitting to the BOE website.
Payroll Report
Track all approved invoices ready to be paid. Export from IEPtracker to send to the payroll company.
Billing History
Track and manage all providers’ invoices paid and billing history.
Anticipated Payroll Report
View and track all providers’ invoices including invoices that were not yet submitted to anticipate the payroll for any given month.